The health care environment continues to grow with uncertainty cause everyone to feel anxious about their health care in the future. I have heard from several of you that our current political climate worries you, and you don’t know how to handle the stress that you are feeling. Here’s my message to you: Don’t worry, it will be all right. Remember to be mindful about these things but don’t let them get you down. Begin to focus mainly on those things that YOU can CONTROL!
Your health and happiness are dependent upon you taking care of YOU and casting aside stressors that are beyond your control. You can gain CONTROL, but Choosing Wisely. So, start with this right now. If bad news in the medica is bringing you down, simply choose to decrease your exposure. TURN IT OFF! Shift your focus to what makes you healthy and happy. Take control by eating right, exercising right, and living right! Stop being controlled by excuses, but motivated by your choices that positively influence your life.
My Staff and I are here for you. Rest assured that we are doing our best to give you comfort and care that your health and happiness are of great value. Let us help you as you do your best to help yourself in improving your health. Schedule an appointment with us, keep up with your current appointment schedule and routine health maintenance. If you are due for a mammogram, colonoscopy, labs, or routine referrals such as eye exams, or medication refills, then let us know. We do our best to send you health reminders to keep you on track.