890 Groveland Lane,#100  Lincoln, CA 95648
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Behavioral Health And Wellness

Hopkins MD

Primary Care Practice & Integrative Wellness located in Roseville, CA

Behavioral Health and Wellness Q & A

What is Integrative Health Coaching?

Integrative Health Coaching (IHC) empowers you to make lasting health behavior changes that are the cornerstones of lifelong well-being. It bridges the gap between medical recommendations and your abilities to successfully implement those recommendations into your complex life.

How does Integrative Health Coaching work?

  • Integrative health coaches work with the whole person, take time to listen to your concerns, and ask powerful questions to help motivate you to make changes.
  • Coaches utilize the Duke Integrative Medicine Wheel of Health to facilitate inquiry and personal discovery.
  • Coaching helps facilitate behavior change in a structured, supportive partnership between you and your coach.
  • Coaches can help you to identify obstacles to change and create strategies for forward movement.
  • Coaches provide additional resources for making healthy behavior changes.
  • Sessions can take place over the telephone, or in person